Who we are
Housing Finance Agency plc is a company under the aegis of the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage of Ireland. It was established by the Housing Finance Agency Act, 1981 and incorporated in 1982. Its shares are owned by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform of Ireland.
The HFA’s Board is appointed by the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage with the consent of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. It has 12 members and is representative of such as local authority members and officials, the voluntary housing sector and senior public servants.
The HFA has a staff complement of 18.

What we do
In housing the HFA’s function is to advance loan finance to local authorities, the voluntary housing sector and Higher Education Institutions to be used by them for any purpose authorised by the Housing Acts and to borrow or raise funds for these purposes.
In infrastructure, the HFA is empowered to lend funds to local authorities for waste and environmental capital projects under the terms of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2002.
The HFA’s mission is to source and structure this loan finance in a cost-efficient manner, and to the requirements of its customers.
The HFA is self-financing, adding a small margin onto its cost of funds to cover its administration costs, and does not receive any Exchequer subvention. The total outstanding loan book at end-December 2021 was €5.9 billion.